My Best Friend Is Food

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Fried Okra with Old Bay Sauce

Soaked in buttermilk, tossed in cornmeal and deep fried. These tasty okra bites are absolute heaven.

Okra comes from the annual plant Hibiscus Esculentus, a member of roselle and cotton. The “slime” that okra produces is actually plant mucilage. Mucilage is a complex mixture of long carbohydrate molecules and proteins that help the plants and seeds retain water. *

By deep frying the okra over very high heat, the plant does not have a chance to exude water-trapped mucilage and does not become slimy. You need to use an oil that has heat to high temperatures ratios.

Fried Okra

1 Cup finely ground Cornmeal

1 Teaspoon Salt

1 Teaspoon Onion Powder

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

1/2 Teaspoon Ground Pepper

1 Cup Buttermilk

16 oz. Whole fresh okra

2 Cups Crisco or Lard

Combine cornmeal, salt, onion powered, garlic powder and ground pepper in a large bowl.**

Chop the okra into 1 inch long sections.

Place the okra in a large bowl and pour the buttermilk over top. Toss gently until coated. Allow to sit for 5 minutes.

Place the Crisco or lard in a deep kettle. Heat until it just starts to smoke.

Drain the okra of the excess buttermilk.

Toss the buttermilk coated okra in the cornmeal mixture.

Place a single okra in the hot oil. Check to see how long it takes to brown. It should brown up and float in less than a minute. If it is not actively bubbling when added to the oil, allow the oil to continue to heat. If the okra starts to smoke when added to the oil, turn down the heat and allow to cool for a couple of minutes, then try again.

Working is small batches, add the okra to the hot oil. Once the okra is golden brown, remove from the oil.

Old Bay Sauce

1/4 cup Mayonnaise

1 teaspoon Old Bay Spice

Mix the mayonnaise and Old Bay together. Taste. If desired, add more Old Bay.

Serve immediately

*McGee, Harold On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen; Scribner, 1984, 2004 pp.339

**If desired add powdered spice blends to the cornmeal mixture. Here are some suggestions:

Old Bay Spice

Curry Powder

Ras el Hanout

Garam Masala

Herbs de Provence

Start with 1/2 teaspoon of spice.

Sample cook one okra after adding the spice. Taste. Add more if desired.