Orange Marmalade

Stove top orange marmalade

Surprisingly easy, you can cook marmalade in just a few minutes. Home cooked marmalade is better than store bought because you can customize how much sugar is added.

If you like your jam on the tart side, omit the sugar all together. If you like it sweeter, add more sugar. If you decide to experiment with the level of sweetness, start with no added sugar and add a little at a time as the jam reduces. Keep in mind that the natural sugars in the oranges will concentrate as the jam becomes thicker.

This recipe can be used as a base recipe for your personal creations. Play with adding other fruits, spices and herbs. Add a teaspoon of chili flakes and a tablespoon of diced red peppers while simmering to make a chutney. Add a handful of fresh pineapple. Let your imagination be your guide!

This recipe will keep for 7 days in your refrigerator.

Learn how to make the jam.

1 cup shredded Oranges*

1/4 cup Sugar

1/4 cup Water

Place the shredded oranges in a small sauce pan. (add additional ingredients to this step if your choose to customize your jam.)

Add the sugar and water.

Bring to a boil and allow the oranges to become thick and sticky.

Place in an air tight container and cool. Serve.

*Slice the oranges in quarters and remove the seeds. Using the grater disk of your food processor, shred the entire orange. If you do not have a food processor: Remove the seeds and slice the oranges into thin strips.


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