
Italian thick soups are traditionally made by placing a slice of bread in a bowl and ladling the hot soup over top. Bread with this soup is a must! However, how it is served is up to you! Toasted with garlic butter on the side or plain and then dipped into the hot broth are both delicious options. If you choose to place the bread at the bottom of the bowl, give the bread a few moments to absorb the soup stock and stir to thicken. This will give the soup a stew like consistency.

1/2 cup chopped Carrot

1/2 cup chopped Celery

1/2 cup Medium Diced White or Yellow Onion

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

4 cups Vegetable or Chicken Stock

8 oz. can Crushed Tomatoes

1/2 teaspoon Thyme Leaves or 1/4 teaspoon Powderd Thyme

1 cup Chopped Russet or Yellow Gold Potatoes*

1 cup or 8 oz can Cooked White Beans

2 cups Shredded Tuscan Kale (cavolo nero)

Preheat a 6 cup soup pan over medium heat. When you hold your hand about 4 inches from the surface and it feels warm it is ready.

Add the olive oil, carrots, onions, and celery. You do not want to hear very much sizzling. If the onions start to turn brown, turn down the heat.

Sample some of the carrots. Once they start to become soft, add the stock, tomatoes, thyme and potatoes. Stir.

Bring to a simmer. You just want to see bubbles breaking the surface.

Sample the potatoes. Once they become soft, add the beans and kale. Return to a simmer.

Taste the soup. Season to taste. Keep in mind that the tomatoes and beans may have salt added. You do not want to add salt until this step so you do not over salt.

As soon as the kale becomes soft the soup is ready.

Serve with bread.

*This soup is delicious with the potatoes skin or off.


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